Trip to the hospital!

     Have I mentioned this pregnancy has been rough? I've been catching every illness known to man.  I'm lucky to get 7 days in a row of health. So, I wasn't surprised when I came down with another bug this last weekend. It hit pretty fast and hard. Thursday night I was having really high fevers, excursusating back pain, but the most disconcerting were the contractions. At 3:00am we finally called it 'better safe than sorry' and went to the ER.  The roads were ridiculously snowy so we had to drive .5 miles an hour to timpanogos hospital in Orem.
     When we got there they sent us to labor and delivery to make sure the baby was okay.  My contractions had stopped but baby's heart rate was pretty high. They sent us back over to the ER where we spent 4-5 hours being tested, and waiting, and poked and waiting.  We finally found out it was just the flu, we got some medicine and felt ridiculously tired.  We were super ready to go home and get some sleep.
      Damon and I discussed with the er Doctor that we felt I could carry on at home with being miserable.  They decided against that and admitted me to ICU.  (At this point I had been vommiting as well and developed an awesome cough.)  They took us up to ICU where I was bombarded with three different nurses working like lightning to get me and baby hooked up to a million machines.  For the rest of the day I struggled with a fever that would ossilate between 101-103 and made baby's heart rate hit up in the 200's (normally baby is at 140-150.). My resting heart rate was 130, if I moved at all it would shoot up more. That had the doctors concerned especially because my blood pressure was dropping down to 60/27.   I was pretty miserable.
     Damon stayed with me the whole day, I didn't feel much like talking so he just sat next to me and luckily would talk to all the nurses for me. I didn't have the energy or desire to make small talk with anyone. My mom stayed with Indie for us. Thank goodness!  Damon left to spend the night with Indie and I was started on an iv drip of antibiotics because of a hidden UTI.  Spending the night in the hospital was absolutely miserable. I had wires and tubes all over my body and couldn't move without setting one of the stupid monitors off. Then every 30 mins I'd have my blood pressure taken and since it was so low that would set off alarms. I basically didn't sleep.
       The next day my fever finally broke and everything started going back within  normal ranges. I was so ready to go home! Damon dropped Indie off at Lauren's and came and spent the day in the hospital with me again. I thought I'd be discharged early that day so when the doctor said they wanted to keep me for another day and night I almost started crying. I was so uncomfortable with all those monitors! Damon and I convinced him that I could go home and would observe strict bed rest! We finally got to go home later that night.
       Poor Indie had had a hard time being away from Damon and I for those two days. She was so excited to see me and then heartbroken that I wasn't playing and loving on her like normal. (I didn't want to have her around me too much because I didn't want her to get sick too.  She still got sick...)  she kept saying things like 'all my family missed me,' and 'my mommy miss me and that make me sad' and 'we are all together! Mommy, daddy, baby sister and Indie!' And 'Indie sad to be all by myself!'  Poor tender heart. Hopefully we will be able to prepare her a little better when the time comes to have us leave her to have the baby.
      Damon took two days off work to help out around the house and help keep me on bed rest while the flu was still kicking my butt.  Today's been his first day back to work and my first day out of bed. It's been a little rough, especially because Indie is still a little sick as well as overtired.  Emotions have been a little high. Indie and I may or may not have spent the first few mins of our day crying hysterically out of frustration with each other and feeling crappy on her bedroom floor. It's been a magical day.
       Thankfully baby is still healthy and growing right where she should. Only 10 more weeks to go! So close! That's what's important right? Right! Ps She had better be a cutie! (Also important)


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