Third trimester-baby #2

            We've made it! 28 weeks, third trimester, 84 more days (not that anyone's counting), April 3rd!!  I know realistically this tiny one will probably be fashionably late, but maybe if enough of us hope for a healthy and early birth, baby will succumb to peer pressure!  I'm all for that.

           I'm so over being pregnant. This one's been a bit more rough than Indie's was.  For example: Contractions or Braxton hicks have been having a field day,  I feel like everyday I have to push myself to have the energy to get through the day. Sitting down is a grave mistake almost every time.  I tend to push too much then burn out and get sick.  Sleeping is a joke. I also have intense mommy guilt when I 'take it easy' and let Indie watch one more show because I feel like death and don't want to move and play pretend or hide and seek for the umpteenth time.

       Let me just complain for a second.   Ugh. My boobs are leaking already, my hips feel like they are no longer connected and may have a slight fracture on my public bone.  I have some awesome back pain and have already surpassed the weight I was at when I delivered Indie. I'm dizzy and nauseous 50% of the day. I absolutely love Indie and fully expect to adore this tiny one once she's here, but right now pregnancy is just the worst. I don't feel connected to her, I didn't when pregnant with Indie either.  I'm just not the type of Mommy who rubs her tummy all day glowing and gestating with a smile. Like, give me some chocolate and a chiropractor for my hips and let's just try and survive til the baby is out!  (Also, baby clothes. Let me binge on buying baby clothes!)

     We have about 20 names on our baby name list, and it just keeps growing. I can't find anything I'm crazy about. Damon likes Jovie, and Indie becomes emotionally distraught when we try to suggest that the baby will have a name other than 'baby sister.'  It's going to come down to finally seeing the baby and having to choose something. I'm getting more of a sweet and timid vibe from this baby.  Which is ironic because this baby is absolutely insane with moving. It's been constant. Morning, night, doesn't matter. She loves to move. Perhaps Damon and I are just not amazing at remembering things, but we both feel like this one has been a lot more active than Indie was.

    Well, here's to the last stretch! Hoping my maternity clothes will hold out with me to the bitter end.   We are getting excited. It's hard to imagine and wrap our brains around having another tiny sweet girl in our day to day.  Here's to hoping for a healthy end game to my pregnancy and a healthy happy baby and birth!  (Ps, I fail at taking pregnancy pictures. I only get cute on rare occasion, full disclosure, I live in my robe.)


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