Moving to Pocatello Idaho!

       Well, it's moving time again for our family!  We weren't looking to switch jobs or relocate. However, a great opportunity popped up and, after lots of prayer and discussion, we decided to jump on it.

          Damon had interviewed after graduation with a company called Intermountian Gas in Pocatello. He was their second pick and so he continued his job search. He ended up working for a temp agency for 3 days before getting a paid internship in Salt Lake City. He was there for about 3 months before landing a job with Provo Power. Provo Power was the job we were anticipating on being with for 3-4 year at least. 10 months after his initial interview and rejection with the job in Pocatello Damon recived and email from Intermountian Gas, saying that they were hiring for that position again and would love for him to apply if he was still interested. We were content with his job, but figured if the company was asking Damon to interview we might as well see what they were offering.  Damon was very straightforward during the interview process that he was happy where he was so in order to consider moving he would wan a significant pay increase. They said alright, and offered him the job! So, his first day will be February 16th.

         Full disclosure, the closer moving day gets the more depressed I get about everything we are leaving behind.  At first I was nervous but viewing it as a grand adventure... Now I'm getting a little less optimistic. Change is never my forte!  We are leaving family, Lauren especially makes me shut down if I think about it too much. I hope Indie and Phillip don't grow up apart and forget how much they love each other. Also, I hope I can keep my sanity without being able to pop over to my sisters and unload all my life's happy and sad's.  She makes me laugh so hard and is seriously my best friend.  Too sad. Let's move on. In American Fork I have an amazing group of women who, even though I've been hybernating through the winter/ pregnancy and haven't seen as much, I adore and consider great friends.  We all have littles the same age and it's amazing to be able to talk about motherhood with them, and have ready made playmates for our kids.  Boo. That's too saddy too.

        We have been so blessed location wise in Utah. There are so many family friendly hot spots, and our apartment is within walking distance to multiple parks, the library, the grocery store, and our apartment complex came with some amazing ready made friends who are always ready and willing to help watch Indie or lend an egg or whatever we need.  It's so  hard to leave all the friendships we've had for years and years! We know that Pocatello is bound to have some fun people too, but we will miss everyone!

     Im nervous to move so close to my due date, if anything goes wrong with the birth or pregnancy our support systems are quite a bit further away! I'm extremely selective about who I leave Indie with.  She may never be babysat again. Goodbye alone time. The thought of cleaning and packing while pregnant with a toddler makes me want to implode! Indie will miss out on her big dance recital in May and I know it's silly but finding a newborn photographer for a good price locally is proving to be a challenge! Also no hobby lobby or target in Pocatello. Which leads my mind to think it may be a bit of a barren land. I hope juggling having one car won't be too challenging in our new location, right now we've been blessed to have paid public transportation through Damon's job. So, I've been able to have the car to get to appointments, run errands and take Indie to friends and activities while Damon takes the bus to work.

      Things we are excited for as far as the move goes. We are excited to be able to dump more money into paying off all our debts and start saving up for our first home.  We are also very excited to be able to upgrade to a 3 bedroom home with better amenities while keeping our rent just about the same as it is in American Fork.  Well, hopefully. We still need to go down and officially look at all the listings we've been eyeing online. I'm hoping it's a great experience for Damon and I to spend some time just our little family without any local extended family. This move will also put us closer to the Hadfield clan. Making trips to their homes only 3 hours rather than the 6.

      All in all you could say my attitude is less than enthusiastic but trying to be optimistic.  Emotions run high for me in the best of circumstances, being pregnant on top of it just makes me a blubbering mess.  Damon's mostly excited about all the change and moving forward in his career.  He is also giddy to be a Idaho resident again. He loves hunting and hasn't been since pre mission, all of his hunting and fishing spots are in Idaho.  Here's to a crazy next few months of packing, unpacking, new house, job, state and baby. It's going to be a whirlwind! I'm excited to get settled in start to get to know our new area and all the blessings that are bound to be hiding there!


  1. That's so exciting for you guys! I hope the transition is smooth and you find great things to fill in the holes you're leaving behind. We may have to stop in and see you in April when we head up to Rexburg!


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