A week of Utah

When I found out my Dad and Aunt Violet were coming to Utah the same week, I really didn't want to miss out on any fun. Especially where the alternative was just sitting at home in Idaho.  Damon and I figured out a way that I could go down for the week with the girls and have the car while he stayed in Pocatello for work.  Then Damon came to join us for the weekend and Father's Day. (Shout out to Brock for making that happen! Thanks man!) 

It was liberating to fly solo with both girls and realize I could do it. Not only could I do it, but everyone survived and had fun.  

I'm just going to do a highlight reel of our week.  For my memory and your viewing pleasure. 

Indie and Estelle were rock stars on the drive down.  We went straight to American fork to meet up with my old friends and Indie's play group.  It was so good to catch up and see how big all the teeny's had gotten in just a few short months. Indie was ecstatic to see her friends.  Everyday was so great being able to have a car and have people to see.  

Indie and Phillip lounged on the sandbar at my grandparent's pool 

We took our hordes of littles and walked bridal veil falls. It was mighty hot, but so fun.  Violet came to the rescue with letting Cora use her dog stroller.  

The stroller was amazing! Cora was just the cutest in it. 

Indie was obsessed with Wynn and Piper.  She was so tickled to walk Wynn. Although, Wynn was really walking Indie. Let's be real. 

Indie and Phillip wanted to play in the water, but it was so chilly it took them a long time to decide it was worth the playing. 

I love this picture of Violet.  She was being pulled every which way by doggies and Indie, but handling it with such grace. The poise, the elegance.  She didn't get pulled into the water. Which was impressive to me. 

Indie and Phillip were either fighting over nothing and driving each other to tears or holding hands, hugging and kissing. They are such brother-sister relationship.

Sharing a stroller. So precious.

The smiling lasted longer than I expected.  

They decided it was too squishy after a bit, and rightly so. It was very squishy. So then this baby train was born.  Little Stelly slept though everything. 

Estelle slept so well at night.  She went down easy at night and slept 9 hour stretches. It was magic. I pray it continues at home. She'd be the perfect baby if she'd just sleep!

The progression of babihood, depicted in one picture. 

Her first sink bath. I love her little alfalfa

She's such a little chub-a-lub.  I love her perfect little body. I forgot to bring baby soap while we were away, so she got mighty stinky. Water only goes so far to combat spit up and millions of kisses. 

Third generation to eat on this rolling bench.  

Piper and Wynn trying to figure out what this squishy thing is.

Indie loved these precious pups. 

Swimming get up.  She was so excited about her new shoes and hat. She found the shoes all by herself, right size and everything. She's getting so big. 

         We got Indie her first puddle jumper. She was in heaven. It was too precious to see how proud she was of herself. Swimming all by herself. She had the biggest smile she kept trying to contain. Trying not to show how proud she was of herself. 

The babies!

Estelle slept in her favorite sleeping spot as we swam. Which, I have guilt that I let her.  I know its got to be contributing to her flat spot. I didn't have anywhere else to put her though as we swam, and, it really is her very favorite sleeping spot. 

For the first time in history this crazy head fell asleep on the go.  She only sleeps in her bed or in the car.  I ran her ragged though and she conked out on the shopping cart. She didn't wake up when I put her back in the car and went straight to bed when we got back to where we were staying.

They did so great being out of routine and dragged around everywhere. Indie loves to be out and busy, just like I do, so she was just as happy as she was tired. 

Precious little 'no sleep' Estelle.

More swimming! Indie caught on really quickly on how to control her movements in the water. 

So sweet. The original Lilo & Phe Phe. 

Happy little floater. 

Gearing up for our zoo day. like the cool kids do.


So sweet!

Indie adores 'Baby Tora,' which is sometimes traumatizing for poor Cora. 

She would live on the Merry-Go-Round if she could. 

Papa David and Stellie

Isn't she lovely?

Cooling off with some delicious ice cream from Papa David. 

She's still my baby. Look at her precious little face. 

She fell and re-scraped her knee poor thing. Papa David carried her through her sorrow. 

Indie's new home. 

Riding the train, all squishy like.

Smiles on the way home. She chuckled for the first time at me as we drove. It was too precious. 

Father's Day!

They're so beautiful! Inside and out. I'm so glad to have this man by my side. For a lot of reasons, but one of the greatest is his presences as the father in our home.  Our girls are so blessed. 

Family picture, photo cred to Violet.

We spent father's day at Lauren and Felipe's house. Lauren made an amazing meal of Philly cheese stake sandwiches and we all visited for Father's day.

Loving on Papa David and saying goodbye. 

I'm sad to be back home, as always.  What a great trip!


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