Estelle's Two month update!


      Estelle is two months old! I thought I would savor her babyhood a little more, but I'm finding myself just wishing she would grow up a little faster.  I don't think I'm an avid fan of the infant phase.  I remember with Indie I liked each new stage she grew into so much more than the last.  Right now I'm really looking forward to the 'get the baby on a successful sleep schedule' phase. Trying to juggle two littles is feeling a little impossible.  It's not so bad if we are out and about. But its almost unbearable if we stay home. I feel like I'm not fulfilling either of their needs, and in the mean time my needs are completely forgotten. No ones happy! ugh.

            But anyways, on to happier things! We do love our little girl and she has brought a lot of joy to our family. Estelle is a little snug bug. She loves to be held, cuddled, and rocked all day and all night.  She will curl up so still, let you hold her chest to chest and just lay there.  She's so sweet.  Although, as she's getting older she has started peeking her little head up more and more. Curious about the world around her.  

         This month Estelle was blessed, we took her on her first camping trip and to Utah for a day trip. As you can see, the blessing was her favorite day.  (teasing, she rarely cries.  She does a little yelp call when she gets fussy and will yelp a lot before resorting to crying.  Poor thing was so tired her blessing day.)

         It makes sense that such a snuggle bug would not appreciate being put to bed.  She's a hard one to get to sleep.  Its usually a 1-2 hour ordeal of laying down our completely asleep bundle of joy, only to have her wake up a few short mins later.  Sometimes she wakes because of burps, rarely is it poop, a lot of the time we have no idea why.  She's probably looking for more snugs. 

       Estelle is usually the most alert the last few hours of the day.  She isn't fussy, just hard to get to nap (or even more difficult I should say. It's always hard to get her to nap)  She is always the happiest right after waking up. She will smile non stop, and coo back at you.  It's the sweetest time of the day.  I love the baby coos! 

        Stella Bear loves to play pat-a-cake.  And tapping the corners of her mouth with a finger or her bink will get a big smile 95% of the time. Estelle also loves her kick and play. She coo's to the toys and smiles at the little animals while her feet go crazy. 

         Stellie grew out of newborn clothes at 1.5 months old. She does not like hiccups, and will whimper with each one. Poor thing. She also has a ridiculous amount of gas. She is almost impossible to burp at times, and will spit up all day throughout the day. Indie never had to be burped and spit up was a rare occurrence. Which, I miss that!  Less fussy, gassy, spit up please! 

          Estelle used to sleep really well in the swing, she's now getting too aware on whats going on to sleep soundly. (We have the swing in the living room, right where Indie and I live during the days.)  

 She likes the 'calming vibrations' function on baby things. Which makes me snicker a bit. I always thought the calming vibrations was a bit of a joke. 'Oh no, baby is sad?! Let me just saunter on over, flip this switch and you will magically be calmed by the vibrations, Baby...' Wellp. It isn't THAT magical, but it does soothe her for a bit. 

  The quickest way to get Estelle to sleep is to walk around aimlessly while she is swaddled with or without a bink.  I should say letting her pacify on boob all day would be her preferred sleep method. She would spend 24/7 on my boob if I'd let her. Other than in my arms, or in the wrap, she will sleep the best in her car seat. It's a magical method I wish I could bottle and parcel out during our long long sleep fights. 

To be fair once Estelle is asleep for 30 mins, she will be golden and stay down for hours.  Her average long night stretch is 6-7 hours. 
   Estelle was sleeping in the rock n' play in our room til recently.  She had gotten a nasty cold right at one month and needed to be elevated at all times in order to breath.  I want to say the rock n' play has contributed in a big way to a bit of a flat spot on Stella's head.  Two nights ago we put her in her crib, in her own room.  I was not ready for her to be moved. I would have stopped the madness if it were not for the flat spot and hoping the crib would not continue to inflame the issue.  Shes done great both nights in her crib. 

 Estelle is starting to be more interested in what Indie is doing and likes to watch her play around the room.  Indie is still a big Stella fan, she likes to jump at the opportunity to do tummy time with her. She loves to come with me to get Estelle from the crib and likes to giver her excessively squishy hugs.  Estelle is not a huge fan of the squish hug. 

   I know this stage will fly by and I'll miss her tiny face and sweet babyness.  But make sure you catch me on a good day if you want to tell me that. Otherwise, you may end up the proud babysitter of a very cute, very non sleep-able baby.  

  I do so love her little chunky thighs, the way she smells. I love the feeling of her sweet little body asleep against mine. Her breaths rising and falling. I love her beautiful eyes and when she coo's in a soft voice, trying to talk so sweet. I love her chunky little knuckle dimples and snuggable kissable neck. 

Happy 2 months Teeny one!!

Photo dump


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