Indie's Watermelon Birthday Party!

This kid can eat her own weight in watermelon. With a summer birthday we thought a watermelon party would be pretty fitting for Indie!  We had her party on her actual birthday this year, which was pretty fun!

Miss Einstein hair wanted mini pancakes, blueberries and 'that white stuff I love,' for her Birthday breakfast. 

We gave her the big job of filling the pinata.  She immediately ran and grabbed her swimming goggles, which apparently double as heavy, industrial, candy filling, safety wear. 

Estelle, of course, was very interested in all the goings on.  Indie lectured Stellie in a very sweet and very stern voice that filling a pinata is only an important big kid job.  I mean, after all, Stella didn't even have the proper eye protection.  

Indie loved being involved in helping set up everything. 

Stella enjoyed her self-appointed job of helping take everything down. 

We had a bit of a fiasco with the main party game.  I bought 30-40 feeder fish that we threw in this big kiddie pool.  The thought was that all the kids would get a net and wade through the water, catching the fish and having a ball. Well...they aren't 15 cent feeder fish for nothing.  All but 5 or 6 fish made it to when the party started.  So that was pretty darn depressing...especially for the fish haha. ugh.  The kids still had fun playing in the water. 

Stella literally just waddled around grazing off neglected plates of food.  Her absolute favorite find was the watermelon rice crispies.  I think she ate at least 3 massive ones, that she stole.

The kids had a good little water balloon fight.  

Phillip double fisting the watermelon donuts and cupcakes. 

Poor crippled Papa Joe was no match for the Water Balloon assassins.  He was knocked off his crutches pretty fast. 

Watermelon Pinata! 


Damon forgot how little Stella's arms were, and helped her swing a little too well.  He swung that bat so hard that Stella was knocked off her feet and straight to her back.  She looked up to the sky blankly for a while before realizing what happened was scary and she began to cry.  We were all laughing so hard. It was too funny. (she wasn't hurt)


The pinata brought out the fierce in all of the kids. 


Gathering all their spoils!  I was so impressed with how kind and sharing everyone was with each other. I went in expecting a blood bath.  


Blowing out her 4 candles.  That little face! 

Isla playing with water, her favorite! 

It was a great day for a great kid!  So thankful to everyone who came out to celebrate Indie with us.  As a quick side note, this little one, probably ate her weight in junk food.  We left her completely unchecked and she was in heaven!

Happy Birthday Indie!!

Here's her 3rd
birthdays, in case you wanted to delve into memory lane with me. 


  1. ugh... did I publish a comment? I don't know what I said if I did...

    I was doing to say, "Those goggles! Haha! Looks like a super fun and cute birthday!


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