Early Father's Day to My Dad

One of the great things about becoming an adult is the perspective it can bring.  Relationships can change and grow.  As I've grown, it's been so rewarding to see past the title of 'Dad', and more of the person.  My dad is such a good person.  He is a caring father and an amazing papa.  

The man I've come to know is selfless. He invests in and supports those around him.

My dad is an amazing listener.  I know that when I'm stressed, sad, upset, or just feeling chatty, my dad is there.  He will sit and listen to me for as long as I need.  He's so great at validating, supporting, checking up on our family, and knowing when to offer advice.

My dad is kind.  I've seldom heard my dad speak badly about anyone. He is so careful to choose kind words and find the good in people. I respect him so much for this. 

My dad is present.  He is always all about you and being in the moment when he is with you. 

My dad loves serving.  Friends, neighbors & family.  One of Dad's favorite things is to hold and comfort and take care of the grand kids when they are sad. Which, with seven grand kids four and under, sadness abounds. Often.  Stella's favorite place to be is in Papa David's arms.  

My dad is giving.  With his time, money, energy. I can't count the times he's jumped up to treat me or my kids. With one more swing, one more cookie, a fun game, wrestling, talking, time... he's always willing to give. 

Dad is hands on.  When the kids are around, Papa is on the floor playing.  He's holding, and helping, planning and playing.  

Dad is interested in you.  The kids will video chat Dad countless times throughout the week. Which may sound cute, but Facetime with a 2 year old involves very poor camera work and pretty limited conversation. Papa still picks up, almost every time. 

Dad is hard working.  He works at his job, at home, at relationships, in the yard, with animals, at church. He knows how to work hard.

My dad is patient.  My kids are so lucky to have such a loving and patient papa.  They'll probably never see any form of anger in him. Just love and understanding and lots of spoiling. 

My dad loves the Lord.  I'm so lucky to have grown up in a home where I learned to lean on the Lord.   

We feel so blessed to have you in our lives and wish we lived closer!  Happy (early) Father's Day Dad.

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