4 year Anniversary

      4 years married today.  This is our life right now...

       The house is a mess.  I'm pretty sure Netflix is doing more parenting and supervision of Indie than I am. My boobs are constantly out. They're identifying more as arms at this point, for how much face time they get.  I don't remember the last time I showered.  Which could be because I can't find a great time to shower, or because every day is blurring together at this point and I literally can not distinguish what events happen on what day. (but really every day is just breast feeding, snuggles, diapers, meltdowns, naps, hit repeat.)  What I can tell you is showering has definitely been more recent than when I last shaved. Talk about man legs. It's a special occasion if I get pants on at some point of the day.  Most days it's just robe or garments though, showing off the hairy man legs. Because, what's more attractive then a chubby postpartum body? A chubby postpartum body with hairy man legs.  We strive for excellence here. 4 years of marriage and still smokin (sarcasm)
          Indie caught a nasty cold from nursery (Aka the germ breeding ground) which I've begun to catch. I'm terrified Estelle will get it as well. (come on magical Boob-arm's, this is your time to shine. Antibodies please!) Damon and I haven't gone to sleep at the same time since Estelle was born. My new bedtime is 8:00, to ensure I at least get 5 hours of sleep a night.  I was up with both girls the better part of the night last night.  If that doesn't paint the scene for a romantic anniversary night, idk what will!
             Needless to say, we are not shooting for the stars this anniversary.  Our best hope is to have Indie in bed soon enough and that I have enough energy to stay up and have some sort of an adult conversation over some take out.  This is ambitious. Le sigh. Such is this stage of life though.

       It would have broken my brain if 5 years ago someone would have told me in 5 years time I'd be married to that bald roommate of Felipe's (Lauren's-at the time-fiance.) That in 5 years and after 4 years of marriage, Damon & I would have two precious girls and live in Pocatello, Idaho. Funny how quickly life changes. Damon and I have gone through a lot of change this past year. With his graduating BYU, going through multiple jobs, a new baby, a move to a new state... It's been a busy year.
        I am so grateful to have Damon as my husband.  Neither of us are perfect, but I'm proud of how much we've grown and worked through things together.  Good thing we have eternity to continue working out all the kinks!

       I don't know if I fully understood the depth of Damon's good character and integrity when we first got married. He impresses me time and time again as we go through life together.  He is such a good man, wonderful husband, and father.
       Damon is selfless, which is especially being highlighted right now. For example, he comes home from work, and automatically steps into being an engaged fun Dad with Indie. He ignores the huge mess that once was our house. He will get dinner ready, Indie off to bed, help calm Stella Bear to sleep, take care of bills and other mundane side effects of life. 
         Damon is genuine. He is sincere and loyal almost to a fault.  He puts those he loves first, often. He is an extremely good listener when it comes to the important things.  He is willing to work on things, change and grow together.  He shows his love through service.
        Damon is driven.  He is very focused on advancing in his career and setting up our family for success in the future.  He is killing it at his new job.
       Of course, Damon is fun loving and a nice relaxing presence to my (often) emotional mess. He is steady, patient, reassuring, and optimistic.  He is my greatest support.
        Here's to 4 years together!  Weathering those downs and loving the highs. Learning and growing together, and loving each other. Excited to see where the next 4 years take us! 
        I love you Damon, thanks for allowing me to stalk you in our early friendship, trick you into dating me, and pushing you into marriage.  You are basically my hostage at this point.  Sorry, not sorry.  


  1. What a great tribute!! You two are perfect for each other.


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