Our last Hurrah! Mani/Pedi style.

          Tomorrow is the baby's due date. While, this is no indication of when teeny one will actually make her debut, I wanted to make some special memories with Indie bug.  Only child status is about to be lost forever! 

           I haven't decided if my discomfort from being pregnant has outweighed the level of 'terrified' I'm maintaining at the thought of being a mother of two. Which is saying something because my hips may or may not have split apart and started acting as if they were in two separate bodies.  So that's fun. It's a weird feeling, hoping to not be pregnant and also to stay pregnant forever, but to really hate pregnancy. What can I say, I'm a woman who feels deeply and contradictory.  I want to blame the mixed messages on pregnancy...but that might be too much pregnancy emotional inception. 
           Anyways, I decided to take Indie for a Mommy & me Mani/Pedi.  She normally does so great when I paint them at home and she's very good at sitting still (usually.)  It sounded like something she'd love, so we tried it.  We talked about it all morning and I showed her a couple of YouTube videos of other little girls getting their 'nails did.'  She was pretty pumped up by the time we got around to going. 

When we first started talking about it she told me she wanted clear nail polish. Which, boring, but it's all up to her so I tried to not step on her toes. Then when we got to the wall of color she grabbed a grey and dull brown...which, again, Really? OK. I don't know what I expected because at home when we do nails she always wants black.  Damon (who came with) balked a little at her color choice and that was enough to make her second guess and happily pick out a pink and a purple. 

I found a place that had a little kid chair, of the butterfly persuasion.  Indie was SO excited to sit in the chair.  She waited her turn with impressive patience.

             The water bath was a hit, of course. She was too cute sitting there and jabbering away.  She was tickled to be doing the same thing as me, and kept commenting on her color choices.  I was impressed at how serious and still she was about the whole affair.  Damon and I had to help communicate what was wanted of her by the nail technician.  His accent was a little too hard for her to grasp. Which...I've been there...

Indie and Mommy!

Toes were a little tickley for her.  She kept giggling and trying so hard to keep it still. I'm pretty sure everyone in the salon was smiling or chuckling along with her.

 She was distraught when they drained her water.  Also, notice how close to the edge of the seat she had to sit? Poor thing. Couldn't have been too comfortable. She didn't seem to mind though. 

 Done painting!

 The dryer.  A serious affair. 

  She talked about it the whole way home.  She was thrilled we did the same thing and kept wanting to discuss everything that happened. 

 We went on a walk to the park after we got home. It was such a nice day and I was thinking maybe a little walking would be good to encourage this baby to get out. Then I realized how freaking hard just going on a walk was and my feeble attempt to evict baby was quickly snubbed.  I'm now back to being grumpy about being pregnant and grumpy about being a new mom again soon. It's complicated, but at least its consistent!  

I am not however grumpy about nails. Never grumpy about nails! It was so special, Indie is getting to be such a little kid. Toddlerhood is quickly passing us by!  Love this little silly face!


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