Let's get this show on the road. 40+ weeks pregnant.

        While I've mentioned my pregnancy, it's been a while since I've really given it it's own update.  I forgot a lot with Indie's pregnancy so quickly.  I can't ever remember exactly what her birth weight or stats were.  It's horrible. So, I'm really glad I have a few blog posts to help jog my memory.  I also like being able to compare the two experiences.  

        This baby seems a LOT more aware of the 'outside world' than Indie did. It's common for her to be sleepy in the mornings while I'm still just being a slug in bed.  The first time I speak Baby will start to stir. If I'm in a quiet room and a sudden loud noise happens (dishes banging, something falls, Indie squeals...) Baby will jump like she's been startled.  Baby absolutely hated the new Star Wars movie (or maybe loved...Idk what her excessive kicking really means.) When Damon and I went to see it in theaters all the loud action scenes had her fussing around the whole movie.  A few more examples; I set my cold ice cream bowl on my belly and within seconds she had woken up and was kicking it and making it jump all over.  I took the bowl off and she immediately settled down and was quiet.  Damon and I laughed and did it a few more times. Each time she found the bowl within seconds and was trying to kick it off. She does the same in the bath when I put my warm hands on my belly.

     I'm very vocal about not loving being pregnant.  This in no way negates how grateful I am to be able to grow a healthy baby and add a special little spirit to our family.  It's a huge blessing and I realize that a lot of the hardships and sacrifices you make as a pregnant woman helps you prepare for the road of motherhood. It's a hugely selfless experience, being a mother.  That's not to say mother's are perfect or better than others, but rather it's a very hard thing to give up your body and sometimes your sanity for another little human. 

         One of the blessings that's come from this pregnancy, that I'm started to try to appreciate and ponder more, is being able to draw closer to Christ and have a (VERY) small experience of what he's gone through.  It is such a divine thing to be able to sacrifice for those you love.  For me, that's how this pregnancy has felt. My body is sacrificing and enduring to provide for my child, in a way my baby could not possibly provide for itself.  So, while this pregnancy has been a bit more rough and tumble than I had anticipated,  I am very humbled and happy to be able to go through it. Now, I'm not saying I'll sign up again any time soon or if given the choice I would choose a hard pregnancy.  But I am grateful for the experience and how it's allowed me to grow and reflect on motherhood and trials in general.    

       Indie's been a champ through my less functioning days. She is so tender hearted and very observant.  Indie has started calling herself 'doctor Indie' and will doctor me when she notices I'm uncomfortable.  She's ordered me to rest, lay down, take medicine, shes gotten me pillows, blankets, prenatals, and tums, without being asked or promoted.   When she hears me breath in sharply  she will ask if I am okay or if I need to rest. It's really too sweet and a testament to how well Damon takes care of me.  She watches how sweet and tender he is with me and follows his lead.  I'm a lucky woman!

         I had my last 'prenatal' appointment yesterday.  We scheduled an induction for April 6th! Yes, that is tomorrow folks.  There is still a slim chance it may not happen, in the event that all of Pocatello goes into natural labor.  I thought I'd feel more relived or excited than I do, having an end date.  I'm still just grumpy about everything right now. Le sigh. 

     After my appointment I started having contractions that lasted for a minute and were 2 mins apart from 6:30-7:45.  Of course about 15 mins before we were about to pack up and head to the hospital everything just stopped. Today's been filled with a lot of random pains and signs of labor, so who knows.  We may skip the induction after all. 


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