Cabin trip for the 4th

Our cabin trip got off to a rough start.  We had successfully driven four hours into town, both girls asleep the whole way.  We stopped for gas, and to feed Estelle. We were just about to pack up and drive the last two hours up to the cabin when the guy fueling up next to us pointed out our tire.   It was alarmingly low. All of the tire shops were closed for the night. We filled the tire up and ended up staying the night at Damon's parents house. Luckily we had somewhere to crash while we waited for tire shops to open the next day. Indie was so confused and heartbroken when we told her we would have to wait to go to the cabin. 

Indie got to sleep in a massive guest bed, she was so tickled.  She loves Joe & Susan's house. She literally just ran circles for the first 15-30 minutes.  The next day we woke up and packed up early so we could be first in line at the tire shop.  I hate waking up a sleeping baby! I had to turn on the light, man handle Estelle out of her pj's and diaper before she finally gave it up and woke up with a big smile. 

We thought it would be a quick in and out at the tire shop. Twas not. Our tie rod was faulty on both front wheels. We ended up spending around two hours trying to entertain Indie and keep Estelle happy while they worked on George. I think Estelle's face pretty accurately represents how we all felt about the situation.

I think Indie actually had a great time.  She found free popcorn, and free candy out of the candy dispenser, and I was bending over backwards to keep her happy.

We had car Olympics 

We test drove tires


...A lot.

We played tag, eye spy, hide and go seek, doctor, house, coloring, read books...until finally the car was done. Both babes slept until we hit paradise valley rode.  Estelle had quite had enough of her car seat and since it was a dirt road we pulled her out.  She couldn't believe her luck!

Everyone died over tiny Estelle as soon as we arrived.  After visiting we got ready to go play at the 'beach.'  Here Indie and Isla are getting ready for swimming.

My swim buddy

The coveted spot.  Sitting between grandma soozie and papa Joe.

Baby badminton model 

I woke up to these peepers next to me.  

Estelle got all the love. Isla was smitten.  She was so sweet with her.


Indie was so excited to jump off the boat, until her little toes felt how cold the water was.  Papa Joe tried to get her in, Uncle Scott and Daddy tried too.  She only wanted to get in if I got in.  It was a coldly but fun experience!

I love how much she loves her puddle jumper. She's so big!

Isla's Lily pad flower 

Indie fell asleep in my arms as we power boasted around the lake.

Mia and Isla were Indie's buddies.  They did everything together.  They were hunting critters with the nets that some mountain fairies had left for them.

Sleepy baby

Indie at the cabin feeding the chipmunks when she was not even a year, and then this trip. Same rock.  

Indie loved everyone.  She was especially Averie's little buddy. She called her AB.  We were all hiking to Initial tree. Which in theory was great fun, but a lot of tree's were down on the trail, which was a little rough going with a toddler and baby wearing. (notice Joe's photobomb) 

Indie was obsessed with collecting wildflowers. She was so extremely careful with them and held them with pride. She was so loving and gentle with them. Mike came up late to the cabin and met up with us as we were coming down from the hike. Indie saw him and without batting an eye offered him her flowers. She's so giving.

Crossing the 'fairy' bridge.

We made it to Inital Tree! 

Our little family!

carving our initials 

Cara and Scott!  Don't worry that Cara has no legs in this picture. 

Liv was Estelle's second Mom this trip. 

D+K. Love...also a monkey...

Sweet little Isla, with a caterpillar

This 'post hike nap' lasted less than 1 minute.  It was a really cute one minute though.  

Estelle's second Mom. So sweet. Cousin sleep over!

Indie caught her first fish!! With her own pole!  Ave helped, but Indie was so proud. She kissed it and was beside herself with excitement. She named it Soudor.

Driving the boat

The fourth of July, breakfast.

Estelle's first Holiday.  (does memorial day count?) 

We spent the day on the beach.

Grandma Soozie loving on the girls.

Sleepy Stella

They're so beautiful.

Fourth of July pies

We sat around the campfire singing songs (directed by Isla) and laughing. Indie chowed down on her smore like a pro. Poor baby was so tired. We let her stay up as late as she pleased.  She handled every day so well. 

Papa Joe and Estelle, rocking the bed head and smiles. 

One last motorcycle ride with Damon. It was a great ride and a beautiful view. 

Saying goodbye. Later on, during the car ride home, Indie looked up from her game and said 'I miss Grandma Soozie, and Papa Joe' She begged and cried a lot, asking to go back to the cabin. Which morphed into asking to go to the store for pineapple. haha random. 

We are always sad to leave. It was a great trip. I'm excited already to bring Estelle back when she's not so tiny. 


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