Bear Lake

Lauren (aka cabin mom) did an awesome job of organizing and making a trip to Bear Lake come to pass.  For about half a week we all went to stay in a beautiful cabin in Garden city.  The kids had a blast, and so did the adults.  (Albeit, everyone involved was pretty exhausted.  Having fun is hard work!)

Stella enjoyed waking up at 6-6:30 every morning and demanding berries.  

Indie and Phillip both liked to ride each other's bike. So here Indie is, with a fresh bouquet of flowers for the cabin, riding in on a spider man bike. (That lake view!)

Our first full day at Bear Lake we decided to retrace our footsteps from the last trip (years and years ago) and hike up the Bloomington Lake trail. The drive up was a little more than what we bargained for. Pretty early on in our trek the dirt road had washed out, making it impossible to pass for some, and nail biting for others.

We ditched two cars in our caravan and piled everyone into the remaining two taller cars. Bucky (our car) made it past the washout with a few scrapes.  The rest of the way up, the road was bumpy and a little worn.  It made for a slow and deliberate climb.  Indie asked at one point if we were in fact going to be hiking in our car, and not with our feet.  

We finally made it to the trail head, and it was more than worth it. 

This was probably my favorite part of the trip. It was absolutely gorgeous. 




Ian was fabulous with all the kids (as usual) and very helpful making sure little hands had a buddy, so as to not fall to their deaths. 

Some little hands refused to be held...

Sean was the adventurous one and took a dive into the glacier lake.  All the kids were very impressed.  So coldy!


Sean's fan club.

Some of us were a little sad and regretted waking up at 6:00 am in the name of berries. 

We got home in the late afternoon, and picked up our tired bodies to have some more fun in the pool.  Indie recently finished swim lessons and can swim short distances by herself.  She loved showing off for Damon and Sean.  Stella was tickled beyond belief at the huge pool and refused to leave the water.  

The next day we had our beach day.  Lots and lots of fun in the sun!




Pulpriot Purple!  Violet was amazing and dyed Indie's hair purple.  Indie's dream come true.  Phillip and Felipe joined in the fun and did their hair blue!


The day of check out we rushed to get everything loaded up, then went to Minnetonka Caves to see all the formations. 


On the way home, we swung by Logan's Bluebird Diner and had lunch with Lauren & Felipe, Ian and the kids.  


Leaving a fun trip is never great.  We were all very sad. Indie reminded us every 10 mins that she was sad to have to leave Bear Lake. Which was just so fun. Anyways, thanks Cabin Mom for makin it happen!  We had a blast!


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