Butterfly Day

We did Butterfly Day yesterday.  Indie and Stellie helped me make some chocolate covered pretzel butterflies.  Stella ate copious amounts of chocolate so Indie and I could decorate and assemble the butterflies.  

 So basically Stella was quality control... if your quality control department likes to rub their products all over their hair and tummies. 

  We decorated our lunch bags, Stella LOVES to color.  Indie was quiet proud of her own work. 

 Next on the docket was decorating our butterfly cake.  Stella appointed herself to quality control again.

I painted Indie's face like a butterfly.  Stella was pretty jealous so we had to pretend paint her face afterwards.

We ate lunch at the Zoo and saw the sights, before heading to the Butterfly garden.

We bought this hat specifically for Butterfly day, because they usually love to land on all the hats.  We only had one land on Inide's hat this time around though. Bummer. 

 We ran into Grandma & Grandpa's good friend, Jackie, and her grandson at the zoo.  Indie and Stella were delighted to be treated to some cotton candy, compliments of Jackie.  I think it was their first sampling of cotton candy. 

Quality control in her element. 

All in all it was a great day!  Happy Butterfly Day!


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