Mike & Hannah's Wedding

 Mikey & Hannah got married July 8th in the Boise temple.   Here are a few of my favorite photos from their wedding and reception.  (Spoiler alert, it's mostly pictures of my kids)

(obviously they're super stocked to be there)

Indie was dying to smell all the flowers.  She really couldn't get enough. 



Handsome Damon. 

Stellie took a big liking to Papa Joe.  She was pretty grumpy tired and done by the end of pictures. 

Playing with the gigantic Scentsy animals upstairs at the receptions. 

Playing ring around the rosie to help entertain baby Stella. 

Indie and Isla were eager to cut a rug on the dance floor.

It was such a beautiful day for two beautiful people. We love you Mike and Hannah!!!


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