The 4th of July!

We started off the day with the Star Parade.  Damon & I left the house and got our spots about 45 mins early.  Which in Utah County would have been 2 days too late.  Turns out that in Star, it's about 45 mins too early.  The streets were pretty empty until right before the parade began.  There were tons of spots to pick from. Mind blown. 
 ...Indie wasn't thrilled about the wait...   

Stellie, however, was beside herself. Drunk with the freedom to walk all around the sidewalk where ever she pleased.  She was one happy babe.

Damon took the kids to a nearby store and got them ice cream sandwiches. Indie started melting down when her hands came into contact with melty, sticky ice cream.  Indie's never liked being dirty and because of this, she only ate half her sandwich.  The mess was too real. 

Stella, however, could have bathed in it.


Bug watching.

People watching. 

Mommy watching.

Indie absolutely loved the parade, even if only for the candy. There was such urgency to race after every piece. 

Stella got a ball, and no, she would NOT like to share it with you.  Step away. 

This comes as no shock, but Estelle was a big candy magnet.  She'd stand next to Indie and wave that chubby wrist at all the passing things.  We got hoards of sweets.  


Grave shock and confusion happened whenever a car passed without chucking anything out...'but, I waved?!'

Stellie wanted to hug and run after all the horses. 

She's asking to be picked up so we can go chase those ponies down. 

Will leap for candy. 

The Parade was a hot, sweet, sticky, success!

Michelle put on a great water balloon capture the flag game later that afternoon. 

Girls Vs Boys


Water Balloon Vultures. 


 We let Indie stay up with us for all the activities her heart desired.  She loved it and felt so big.  We did a few small fireworks and 'Pop Its' to pass the time.  Sparklers were, of course, a hit. 


 We had a million fireworks to watch. Indie loved them all, until 11 o clock.  She hit her wall.  For the last 3 fireworks she laid curled in my lap... in the fetal position.  Indie buried her face into my chest and would rotate whimpering and sobbing because she didn't like the smoke. However, she still insisted that she wanted to stay out with all of us until 'the 4th of July is over.'  So, she did. Whimpers and all.  

 Happy 2017 4th of July!!!


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