Estelle's 7 month update.

Estelle's 7 months old!  She's so stinking cute, that little Chubs. 

When Estelle smiles her neck disappears, which is unfortunate when there is such little neck to begin with. 

When people see Estelle they usually have the same two comments. First they say what chunky little thighs she has then they comment on her smile. She does have a killer smile, disappearing neck and all.  

Stella loves to scrunch her nose and breathe heavy.  She'll do this when she's happy or sad, I can't believe I don't have a picture of this phenomenon. 

She likes to communicate in raspberries, heavy breathing, squeals and grunts. Although she did say 'Mama' and 'Dada' and 'ba-ba' a handful of times this month while playing. 

We tried to go off reflux medication and she wasn't ready yet. It made for some long nights and saddy days, so we quickly threw her back on it.    

Estelle absolutely hates her car seat these days.  She takes it very personally when we put her in it. It's really one of my least favorite things to make her do.  She hates it so so much. 

She is scooting all around. Like army crawling. It started out with one arm under her body as she wiggled her the rest of her body forward, dragging her face on the carpet. Luckily that only lasted a day or two til she figured it out.  She still won't army crawl if she's upset. She'll just fuss and cry at me until I rescue her. 

Stella does a cute little smile that is almost not a smile. She'll scrunch her nose real tight and then suck in her lips and tries not to look too pleased or happy with herself.  Her eyes are so shinning and bright though, you can tell she's so pleased.  (This is not the smile in the picture though.  I haven't been able to catch it on camera yet)

No matter when or where we go shopping I always get stopped by people commenting on Estelle.

Since she can sit up by herself she is no longer confined in her car seat at the grocery store, or in the wrap.  Whenever are out people will always, always, always, want to touch her or kiss her and squeeze her. She's so lovable. I never had that in Utah with Indie, but here in Idaho people can't help but touch.

All the old ladies especially love little Stella. They ask what her name is and when I say Estelle they just about die of happiness. Apparently it's a very popular name with the older ladies.

I think Stella is teething. She's gotten a lot more fussy and wants to be held. But her fussy is still really content. She loves to just sit and play with toys, watching and smiling. She such a good happy baby.

She is getting very wiggly though. Which is rough because she constantly wants to be going places if you're holding her.  She wants to be standing, moving and crawling while you hold her and help her.  

Estelle is the most talkative when she's eating.  She loves to nurse and eat solids, constantly. 

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