Damon's 32nd Birthday

 Dame-a-roonie had another birthday.  We really love birthdays in our house!  I got all nostalgic this year and went through pictures of each birthday Damon and I have shared together. This was from his 27th Birthday while we were still dating.  I remember being so excited to throw it for him.  He was so handsome and mysterious to me back then!  Still handsome, less mysterious now. Marriage will do that to ya.  I think the mystery officially left when we decided it was no big deal to pass gas in the same room.  True love. 

This birthday was jam packed with inside jokes, favorite foods and lots and lots of gifts hidden inside of gifts. Everything is so exciting when you're dating, as you can clearly tell from Damon's face. Exciting! (Also really maybe terrifying...?)

Damon's 28th birthday.  
Our first married!  We were so poor, so almost everything was homemade.  It was such a great day for both of us though. This was back when all I did was work, school, and marriage. I could devote every second of my mind and day to whatever I wanted.  What a magical, weird time.    I honestly can't believe how much down time I had before kids. I can't for the life of me remember what I spent it on.  I had no idea the charmed life I lived! I especially remembered going into work and hearing the moms I worked with mention how coming to work was their break time and so refreshing. I thought they were daft! I so relate to that now. Funny how things change. Anyways, back to Damon. Sorry, got a bit carried away. 
If you want you can read more on his birthday here

Damon's 29th Birthday
Our first with a new little baby.  Damon was still in school and we were still so ridiculously poor, but happy!
Read more on this birthday here. 

Damon's 30th Birthday. 
Graduation and his first big boy job at Provo Power. 
Read more on this birthday here. 

Damon's 31st Birthday
Second baby on the way.  We woke up the next morning early to go on an adventure to hike to Delicate Arch.  
I forgot to blog about this birthday, oops. I do remember we had delicious food, great company and I was so super nauseous and light headed.  

Then yesterday's, the big 32!

This birthday was more on the relaxed side. To kick off the party I made Damon a huge breakfast and I mean huge. My goal was to get him to say 'man that's so much food!' which he did. Ham, bacon, eggs, pastries, steak, chocolate milk, hash browns, sparkling cider, and diabetes.  
Afterwards, Damon promptly fell asleep for two hours, but not before being smothered in birthday hugs. 
After a few more hours of lounging we went off to more food at Texas Roadhouse.  It's not a holiday if you aren't gorging yourself, right? 
Both kids were as good as could be, we had a great time reminiscing. 
 Estelle got a kick out of the menu. For real. She thought it was so silly to see it standing up. 
After dinner we had the main event.  I got Damon 32 gifts to open.  It's such a fun idea, but the more I put it off the more expensive it was going to be!  So this year we made it happen. 
Indie was so ridiculously excited for cake and presents. I honestly don't know if I've ever seen her so excited. She was so extremely hyper. Akin to a little hamster on a wheel, but instead of a wheel it was our kitchen...while also precariously holding a birthday cake. And really if I'm being honest...much louder than a hamster, much much louder. So really, nothing at all like a hamster on a wheel and more like a toddler on massive amounts of sugar. 
 All the gifts!
On each gift I wrote reason why I love this hunky man of mine.  Proceed if you dare. 

1. You’re handsome.  Sometimes I look up and still get tickles in my stomach. I love your eyes, your smile, your broad shoulders and strong arms.

2. You’re optimistic, which lets be real, sometimes I hate…but at the end of the day, having two doomsayers in a marriage isn’t going to work. Thank you for seeing the good in things and erring on the side of happy.

3. You’re selfless. You are so quick to serve. You drop everything and anything for our family. Case and point. My nightly back scratches and rubs. Okay that’s not really a great example, but I do love it! A better example would be those days you come home from work, get dinner on and take over the girls…so I don’t kill them…You’re great!

4.You listen. Neither of us are perfect, but it is so priceless how hard you try to listen and improve based on my input and (at times) emotional episodes haha.

5.You’re easy going. That one’s pretty self explanatory. Love how go with the flow you are go.

6.You’re patient. Dealing with all girls, all day, with all the emotions isn’t a walk in the park. I’m so happy you are such a patient man. With the kids and with me… and all the things. 

7.You’re friendly. You’re the Doe nice to everyone. Even if they are all 5’s all the time. 

8.You’re smart. And not just pretty smart. I love how well you retain numbers and how when you put your mind to it you can literally accomplish anything.

9. I love how fun loving you are.

10. You’re a great Dad. I love the smiles and wash of fresh air that comes over each of us girls when you come home.

11. I love how motivated you are. To plan for our future financially, in retirement, debt payments, investments.  Mmmm nothing as sexy as finical security, right?

12. You’re loyal.  I definitely have my own insecurities but man. When I think Damon I just think loyal. In all things. When you commit, you commit.

13. Those shoulders though! So broad and manly!   I know I already mentioned these sexy suckers but you know… great things deserve multiple mentions. 

14. You’re supportive. It’s rare that you aren’t trying to understand me or help me even if you don’t exactly how or why I’m saddy or upset.

15. You’re silly. I love that you’ll be silly and ridiculous with me.

16. You don’t judge me. For better or worse (it feels like usually worse these days) You don’t judge me. Not for my thoughts, my all day robe binges, or hate of showers.  True love endures poor hygiene right? haha. That’s what all the romantic comedies have led me to believe anyways.

17. You get me socks. That’s explanation enough.

18. You’re good at giving me loves and hugs. Even when I don’t reciprocate very well. I always love it even if I don’t say it.

19. You do lazy’s for me.  Ahhhhh so nice! I love that Indie’s caught onto this too. 

20. You support and encourage my hobbies. Whenever I want anything your answer is always go for it!  Which obviously is a favorite, I would lie if I say I wasn’t a little nervous for this same attitude to appear as our girls get older.  So spensive!

21. Censored. 

22. You grew a beard for me! Even though you haven’t officially said it for me, let’s pretend because more endearing.   And yes I like it. For now. I’m excited to see it more grown and see what it looks like.

23. You have these dimples on your face that I seriously adore. They show up when you genuinely smile or when you look at me with tenderness. It’s my favorite.

24. You let me bite you although neither of us really knows why I’m such a vampire.

25. This on I’m afraid to admit because if I acknowledge it out loud or in writing it may change! And we wouldn’t want that. But almost every Saturday and Sunday you take both the kids in the morning and let me sleep. It’s so selfless and amazing of you. Mmmmm all the sleep.

26. You are soooo amazing to me when I’m sick. You have so much compassion and serve me so much. I truly try to follow your example and repay the favor when you’re ill. Confession time. I don’t think it comes as naturally to me as it does to you. I feel a lot of ‘fake it til you make it’….

27. You love me 7. Or so you say…

28. I love that we both love nature.  We don’t go on nearly enough adventures, stupid responsibilities.  But I love experiencing them together when we get to.

 29. You take care of business. Like man business. Basically the stuff that I don’t love.  Like changing batteries, cleaning out the bottom of the trash can, and the toilets, and anything to do with screws… It’s silly because I’m completely capable, but I’m so glad you are willing to do it.

30. You work things through with me. We’ve had some great times and some low times in our marriage, and even though we don’t work through everything right away, I love that you are willing to work on things with me and work on our marriage. To work together towards love.

31. You don’t love my favorite cookie, Which really is just thrilling for my sweet tooth. I get those suckers all to myself.

32. You are great at forgiveness.  So so so quick to forgive completely.  It’s something I struggle at, but I admire and appreciate in you.

Happy Birthday Dame! 


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