October Festivities! (of the Halloweenish persuasion)

Halloween Sugar Cookies

Indie was so ecstatic to make cookies with me. She always loves helping with anything cooking or chore related. I love how tickled she was to crawl up on the counter the next morning and lick off all her sprinkles. 

Halloween Dance Class

Dance class had all the Littles dress up for Halloween.  I got confused on times and we ended up an hour early.  Can I blame my van and new status of Mom hood? Mom brain?  At any rate, we just messed around in an empty dance room while we waited.

Pumpkin Carving

This was a bit of a dud this year.  I don't especially love carving pumpkins, but I want it to be something our kids grow up doing if they want to.  It was a late night and we were all tired. 

 Neither Indie nor Estelle wanted to touch the slimy guts.
 Well, Estelle thought she might have wanted to eat it at first. (shocker) Then she decided she wanted nothing to do with it. 
   Terrorizing the ghost mobile. 
We stopped mid carving so we could get the mini terrors down, and just never got back to it.  Damon's poor pumpkin was so close! 

Tinkerbell & Tiger Lily

I made Indie and Estelle's costumes this year. I was foolishly thinking homemade might be a bit cheaper. Lies. Not cheaper in the least.  I doubt I'll do it again. 
Indie's so into twirl dresses theses days I made sure her Tink dress could twirl. Although I didn't get a great picture of it. 
 Tink The Stink!

Estelle's costume I didn't like at all when I first made it.  However, as with most things, once it was on her it was pretty dang cute. I even leaned my sewing machine has a button hole function in the process.  Who knew! It's amazing the things you learn by reading the manual.  Go figure. 

 This picture cracks me up so much. Estelle's face!  I'm still dying.  It's gotta be hard to be so lovable and kissable and squishable.  Oh the loves she's had to endure! 
           We did a few community Trick or Treats before Halloween. It's oddly refreshing going to an event outside of Utah County.  Sure there are lines and lots of Littles in Pocatello but it doesn't hold a candle to the masses that Utah County attracts.  

The Neverland Squad

 We didn't super plan this out, but Lauren and I are both really happy it happened. I mean look how amazing they are!
Cora was really just too much in her Hook/pirate outfit. 
 Indie's been really into Jake and the Neverland Pirates lately so she's was so extremely tickled to play pretend Peter Pan. 

Flying High! With Dad and Uncle Felipe!

 Estelle was pretty over being in the squad. Sometimes even little Indian's need a nap. 


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