
We got to share Thanksgiving this year with Damon's family!  It was a great holiday break with great food and great company. Great, Great Great!  (I feel like that's such a cop out line, but for real! The food and the people were superb, er, great.  I need a thesaurus...)

This photo is blurry, I know, but I love it.  Indie wanted to help me make the pies for Thanksgiving dessert.  The more I get to know Indie's little quirks the more I realize how shy this little one is.  At home Indie helps cook and tries new things by my side almost to a fault. However, at Grandma and Grandpa's she was hesitant to out right refusing to help if someone else was watching.  Indie gets extremely shy and unadventurous if she knows she's being watched. Shy in singing, cooking, and trying new things.  She's also really hard on herself when she feels she's messed up or ruined a craft she's working on.  This level of self awareness is new.

Tired Tired baby.  Every time Damon tugged on her ear she rubbed her face. 

 Classic. (That bed head though!) 

Indie loved making Papa Joe close his eyes and then surprising him with various snack foods.  We were all pleasantly surprised that it was real food and not the pretend play-doh food she'd been working on all morning. 

Joe and Susan had asked us to make some fun Thanksgiving hats for dinner to recreate a fun thing they had done with their boys when they were little.  I made sure to make Joe's hat extra ridiculous and manly. (Because what about a paper feather hat isn't manly.)

Classic. (again)

Even Estelle got in on the hat action!

Indie had a ball playing with all the kitties.  We are working on teaching her to be gentle.

She made bubble pies for everyone and would run out of the tub to deliver each hand crafted pie.

Poor beloved kitty Dave passed away suddenly while we were there.  It was a sad thing for everyone, and Indie's first lesson in death. 

She helped Papa Joe dig the grave

Estelle froze her little nose off.

 Then we had the funeral. Complete with bagpipes and salutes. 

 Indie wanted to help lay him to rest. 

Joe and Susan said a few words. 

 Saying goodbye. 
Indie will ask every once and a while why Dave died, it's such an abstract concept for her to grasp. Damon and I got to go to the temple with Susan over the break too. It was one of my favorite parts of the trip.  It had been 4 years since I last went! BAH.

Both kids were angels on the way home (minus Indie peed herself bleh!)  Here are some cute wreaths we made and put on the girls doors.  I bet you can't guess whose is whose. 


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