Estelle's One Year Old!

Stellie is One year old today! She is just our chubby love and joy.  She is happy, goofy and a snug bug if I ever saw one. 

Stellie will try to put on her own shoes and headbands. She wants her own silverware at meal times if others have silverware.  She will even refuse to eat until she receives said utensil. 

Stellie obviously understands a great deal, but as far as what she can communicate she signs: night night, bubble, boob, more, water, all done, and owie. And can Say: banana, Mama, Dada, this, kitty, boob, bubbles, and hi. 

Little turtle face will gasp and raise her food in the air triumphantly anytime you make eye contact with her.  

To fall asleep she loves to hold her blanket corner. We tuck her kitty under one arm, give her bink, and put the corner of her blanket in her other hand.  Snug as a bug.  (No pictures of this, because nap time is sacred. Ain't messing around with sleep for nothin!)

Stellie loves it when Indie whispers 'I love you' in her ear.  I'm guessing because it tickles her little ear, but it's still precious. SHe also loves playing 'this little piggy went to market' and 'round about, round about goes the little monkey'.

When she gets dressed I'll ask 'Where's your hand?'  as we pull it through her sleeve. Once it emerges she plasters her hand to her face and fake laughs like a maniac.  

Stellie has started throwing the baby fits.  It's usually due to sleepiness or the unjust realization that not every single thing in sight belongs to her. Not being able to express herself is another common cause. Estelle will carelessly, and passionately throw her body all over, only stopping when she decides she's ready. She'll lay on her back wide eyed as if she's not sure what just happened. 

Is slowly cutting out two naps. She has been waking up around 5 every morning and just staying awake.  Some days she will cat nap before being up for the day, but others she will not.  So most days she wants to nap at 10:00 in the morning...which makes for a loooong afternoon. 

Some of her favorite things right now are bubbles, stuffed animals, balloons and animals.  She will squeals with delight at any sighting of these objects.  

Stella doesn't show much interest in walking but will walk while holding a finger or two if I encourage her. 

Estelle likes to watch baby signing time, moana, and elmo. 

Photo dump through the ages! 
 For those of you as obsessed with my baby as I am.   (Spoiler alert, it's hard to be that obsessed)

One Year!


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