Finn's 1 Year Update

Finn made it to a year!  We made it to a year with a happy, healthy, strong, silly, loving, snuggly baby boy.  I just adore him.  He has brought out a bond and protectiveness unlike anything I've experienced.  We are so happy to have him in our family.

For his actual birthday we had the traditional pancake breakfast and had lots of play time.  Finn got a shy smile anytime we wished him a Happy Birthday or sang to him.  It was pretty precious.

  The prize to finally getting Finn crawling goes to: the vacuum. Gold Star.  Finn loves vacuums. LOVES. He'll chase me around, room to room, hyperventilating and spazing out.  Just so much excitement!  Vacuum is life for him.

Finn has pulled himself up to stand maybe twice.   Which promoted us to finally lower his crib off the highest setting. I really didn't want to, because it felt like a very tangible sign of him growing up.  I wish he'd stay sweet and teeny baby longer.  One year is such a precious age. 

Finn's favorite way to be loved is by head nuzzle. He loves to rest his face on your face, or have you sweetly nuzzle your head into his little chubby cheeks and neck.   When he's feeling really excited he will repeatedly head bang his head into yours.  Pausing in between each attack to shriek happily and flex every muscle in his body at the same time. 

Finn get's knocked over and dropped more often than any of our other babies. Compliments of two loving sisters who forget he's not a rag doll. 

Finn, like all babies, loves cause and effect.  He loves to put things in and pull them out of containers. He loves to throw. He especially loves to do anything that makes you exclaim or react in any way. 

Finn will crawl to his books, open one up, and babble nonsense to himself, very seriously, as he turns the pages. 

Finn hasn't taken to signing yet, unless it's the word 'hot'.  He loves that one and will sign it enthusiastically with us. 

Finn is a monkey, and will often pick things up with his feet, or hold them with his feet.  Damon put Finn on his shoulders, and tried to take him off after a bit.  Finn wrapped his little legs around Damon's neck, dug his chubby feet into Damon's cheeks and death grabbed Damon's ears.  Refusing to budge.  So funny!

Finn is no where close to walking.  He needs lots of support to walk with assistance and will only move if you hold his armpits, and even then, it's just a step or two. 

Finn loves to play peek-a-boo with his sisters.

Finn has yet to refuse a diaper change, or be difficult.  Which is super nice!

Finn  mimicked our words super early on, but hasn't developed that skill much further.  He doesn't really say any words, except for Whoa.  He'll whisper that and make a face of amazement.  He'll babble mama sometimes, but not intentionally.  He is a big fan of pointing to everything and all the things he wants. We thought with how early he was mimicking us he'd have a lot of words, but like all things, he's going to take this slow and steady. He will wave hi and bye though.

We love our Finner.  He is so even tempered, happy, snuggly, sweet, patient, and just such a sweet sweet baby.

Click through in case you want to stroll through memory lane:


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